In Memory of





Condolence From: Sr. Ellen Anne, lsp
Condolence: With deepest sympathy and prayerful thoughts at this time of mourning your mom's death. Even though I didn't have the privilege of getting to know her well during her short stay at St. Joseph's, one thing I do know is that she LOVED her family AND her God! May eternal light shine on her and may she rest in peace. Amen!
Thursday October 13, 2005
Condolence From: Philip & Jessica Pietras
Condolence: Jessica and I weren't able to attend mom's funeral but please know that you were in our hearts during this time. <br>Philip & Jessica
Saturday September 24, 2005
Condolence From: L. Coleman
Condolence: Please accept my sincere condolences on the loss of your loved one. Isaiah 26:19 says - "Your dead ones will live, a corpse of mine, they will rise up". When this occurs the earth will be a beautiful paradise to welcome back all our dear love ones. May you be comforted by such a wonderful hope that only Jehovah God and his son, Jesus Christ, will fulfill.
Tuesday September 20, 2005
Condolence From: John P Humphrey Sr
Monday September 19, 2005
Condolence From: John p Humphrey Sr
Monday September 19, 2005
Condolence From: kim
Condolence: I send my deepest sympathy to all of you. May the love you have for each other help to ease the pain, Knowing there is a special angel watching over all of you named Lillian. Kim, Erika, Marissa daly
Saturday September 17, 2005
Condolence From: Robert ouellette
Condolence: Sorry abpout your loss I will nopt be able to make to the funeral because of work,but I will see you at the wake on Sunday. <br> bobby
Friday September 16, 2005