In Memory of





Condolence From: Denise Foraker Hutchinson
Condolence: Thinking of you at this most difficult time. Sending you my thoughts & prayers. Love to you all. Denise
Tuesday November 03, 2015
Condolence From: LouAnne Laflamme
Condolence: My sincere condolences to Maureen's family and friends. Her light and love will forever fill your hearts. "Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal." ~From a headstone in Ireland
Tuesday November 18, 2014
Condolence From: Gary Oakley & Meredith Cowan
Condolence: It was a beautiful and moving service. We hope we have been able to share and lighten your load. Love
Saturday November 15, 2014
Condolence From: Joanne & Lee Cusano
Condolence: To Maureens's Mom, Dad, Brother and extended family, our thoughts and prayers are with you at this very difficult time. Maureen has been given her wings to fly, and fly like an Angel she will. Although our hearts are very heavy right now and we all feel and share in your pain; remember this. Maureen is now in a place free of pain and suffering. A place that only knows love, happiness and forgiveness. "Those we love don't go away. They walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and very dear." Maureen may no longer by our side, but, she will be in our hearts forever. Rest in Peace Mo. God Bless and keep her family & friends in your loving care.
Saturday November 15, 2014
Condolence From: Audrey Wilson
Condolence: Mr. & Mrs. Blackburn & Patrick - The sky is a little brighter tonight with the shining star of Maureen. My deepest sympathy goes out to you during this most difficult time. She was a true sweetheart who will be missed by so many who had the fortune to meet her.
Saturday November 15, 2014
Condolence From: Tim & Judy Zbinden
Condolence: Lois & Mike, Our heart goes out to you at this time of sorrow and pain. We keep you in our prays and though we are a long way from you, if you need anything please ask. Love you guys,
Friday November 14, 2014
Condolence From: Mary Taylor
Condolence: I will miss your beautiful smile each time we passed in the hallway. Rest in Peace. Much love to your family and friends.
Friday November 14, 2014
Condolence From: Robin Witt
Condolence: Aunt Lois, Uncle Mike and Patrick, I am sending you hugs. Not much help, but know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Grandma and Grandpa will take care of her now.
Friday November 14, 2014
Condolence From: Nelson Lajoie
Condolence: Blackburn family: Lois & Mike Our Heartfelt condolences on the loss of a sweet daughter. I don't believe there is anything worse than losing one of your children "God Bless You" Nellie & Rita
Friday November 14, 2014
Condolence From: Terry Lambert Carlson
Condolence: Dear Lois and Mike and all that loved Maureen, I am deeply sorry for the loss of such a beautiful young lady. I am praying for peace and comfort for all those she left behind. She is in good hands, God's hands. Love, Terry and Kevin Carlson
Friday November 14, 2014
Condolence From: David and Karen Isleib
Condolence: Our condolences to the family and friends. Maureen was a delightful and loving woman. She will be missed by all who loved her.
Friday November 14, 2014
Condolence From: Beth, Zachary and Nathan Cook
Condolence: Aunt Lois and Uncle Mike pleace accept ou condolences. I remember that summer Maureen came to the farm one year with Grandma and Grandpa. Maureen and i would talk till we fell asleep. I am so glad she came that summer.
Thursday November 13, 2014
Condolence From: Matttia Calcasola Brose
Condolence: I remember Maureen from high school. Very bubbly and always smiling. Such sad news and so sorry for your loss and pain. God bless you all in your time of sorrow.
Thursday November 13, 2014
Condolence From: Jeff Garfield
Condolence: Lois and Mike, I am so sad to hear this terrible news and can't imagine what you are going through. I can only say that I hope she has found peace. If I can help in any way, please let me know. I will see you both Saturday. Our heartfelt condolences and love, Jeff and Sandi
Thursday November 13, 2014
Condolence From: Lauri Barber
Condolence: To the Blackburn family at this time of sorrow, I pray for your healing hearts and for Maureen's peace. I thought the world of Maureen. She was beautiful and so sweet.There are no words to express how sad I feel to hear of her passing. I will keep Maureen and you all in my prayers for healing and comfort. Maureen left footprints in all of us that were lucky enough to know her. God bless Maureen and all of you at this time.
Thursday November 13, 2014
Condolence From: Pam Anderson
Condolence: To the Blackburn family, May peace and comfort find you at this difficult time. Maureen was such a sweet and special person. All of us at DAS will miss her terribly. My prayers are with all of you.
Thursday November 13, 2014
Condolence From: John Dyer
Condolence: Mike , Lois , Patrick and John. I have known all of you my entire life. I wish there was a way I could steal your pain and lift that off of all of you. Maureen was a beautiful soul, always smiling and loved by everyone who knew her. May God bless you during these times and help ease your pain ! Love and prayers go out to all of you...JOHN...
Thursday November 13, 2014
Condolence From: Diane Chace
Condolence: My deepest sympathy goes out to the Blackburn family. As a fellow state worker and a friend, Maureen was always there to listen to someone elses problems, and share experiences. Her understanding and thoughtfulness was part of her personality. She will be missed and always in my thoughts. Diane Chace
Thursday November 13, 2014
Condolence From: Janet DelGreco Olson
Condolence: My condolence and prayers to the Blackburn family and all of Maureen's friends. Maureen will always hold a special place in my heart and will never be forgotten. I will try to wipe away the tears and put on a smile as I think back on all the fond memories over the years knowing her. At night I will look up to the sky and try to find the brightest star; knowing Maureen she will be the smallest but shine the brightest. I pray she is finally at peace and is watching over all that loved her. "If tears could build a stairway and memories build a lane ... we'd walk right up to heaven and get our sweet Maureen back"
Thursday November 13, 2014
Condolence From: Alane Landry
Condolence: Dear Lois And Mike, Ron and I are so very sorry to hear of Maureen's loss. I'm sure she is an angel at Gods side now and free of pain. Praying for you and your family at this very sad time. Love to you all, Alane and Ron
Thursday November 13, 2014
Condolence From: Lori Coleman
Condolence: To Mom and Dad Blackburn, Patrick & John, words cannot express the sadness I feel for your tremendous loss and the loss of my dear friend Mo, I worked with her and loved her very much, she was a very special person and I always let her know that. I pray that God gives you all strength and comfort as only he can do.
Thursday November 13, 2014
Condolence From: Patti Hall
Condolence: Mike and Lois, I am so terribly sorry for your loss. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Patti
Thursday November 13, 2014
Condolence From: Heather Atwood
Condolence: Dear Mike, Lois, Patrick & John, I am so sorry for your tragic loss. You are continually in my prayers and will be in the days, weeks and months to come. Maureen was so special and loved by many, many people on earth. It was a true privilege to be her friend. - Heather
Thursday November 13, 2014
Condolence From: Becky Cutler
Condolence: Please accept my sincere condolences. I knew Maureen from work. She was such a bright star here. Now she will shine as a bright star in the heavens above. I'm so very sorry for your loss.
Thursday November 13, 2014
Condolence From: Joan Lynch
Condolence: MIKE,LOIS, PATRICK, Please know that I understand that no one can say anything that will ease the pain and suffering you all are going through, I wish I could say something that will bring you comfort, I loved that girl and we have wonderful memories, from road trips to couch slouching, I will always be grateful for having had a beautiful friend of that magnitude in my life. Thank YOU for always being supportive and understanding, I love you and my heart is with you in this time of sorrow. All my heart, Joan
Thursday November 13, 2014
Condolence From: Bruce and Debbi Freedman
Condolence: No words can comfort you at this time. All I can offer is the following prayer that we are saying for Maureen each night: Saints of God, come to Maureen’s aid. Come to meet her, angels of the Lord. Receive her soul and present her to God the Most High. May Christ, who called you, take Maureen to Himself. May angels lead her to Abraham's side. Receive her soul and present her to God the Most High. Give Maureen eternal rest, O Lord, and may Your light shine upon her forever. Receive her soul and present her to God the Most High. We commend our sister, Maureen, to you, Lord. Now that she has passed from this life, may she live on in Your presence. In Your mercy and love, forgive whatever sins she may have committed through human weakness. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Wednesday November 12, 2014
Condolence From: Trina Hare
Condolence: I'm so very very sorry dear Blackburn family. You've been in my thoughts and prayers so much these days and will continue to be. With love, Trina
Wednesday November 12, 2014
Condolence From: Tanessa Celentano
Condolence: I have no words powerful enough to give. Only love. May it blanket you with comfort and peace. I loved Maureen with all my heart. She was such a precious gem. May her brilliance live on in all of us.
Wednesday November 12, 2014
Condolence From: Wendy-Ann Polderman (Rossi)
Condolence: To the entire Blackburn family . I could never put into words how sorry I am. If I could take away the pain I would. The time we had was precious, I miss her so very much ! I pray that the peace that she was seeking is now found. I love you guys and she loved her family to the moon and back! RIP my Maureenie
Wednesday November 12, 2014